a = 30; // length of piece b = 1; // thin side of bottom taper w = 12; // width of piece c = 5; d = 1.5; // thick side of bottom taper e = 10; f = 12; g = 4; h = 7; // offset of hole place from edge hole_radius = 0.9; module piece(){ translate([0, w, 0]) rotate(90, [1, 0, 0]) linear_extrude(w) { polygon([[0, 0], [a, 0], [a, b], [c, d], [c, e], [g, f]]); } }; difference(){ piece(); translate([a/2, w/3, -1]) cylinder(5, hole_radius, hole_radius, $fn=60); translate([a-h, 2*w/3, -1]) cylinder(5, hole_radius, hole_radius, $fn=60); }