Die With Zero

16 Dec 2023

The rules from Die With Zero by Bill Perkins:

  1. Maximize your positive life experiences.
  2. Start investing in experiences early.
  3. Aim to die with zero.
  4. Use all available tools to help you die with zero.
  5. Give money to your children or to charity when it has the most impact.
  6. Don’t live your life on autopilot.
  7. Think of your life as distinct seasons.
  8. Know when to stop growing your wealth.
  9. Take your biggest risks when you have little to lose.

Was reminded a bit of The Tail End article by Wait But Why that visually lays out the year. There are only so many books I will have the opportunity to read. Some of the goodbyes I say to people will be the last time I ever say goodbye to them. Happiness literature says to spend money on experiences instead of stuff. But the book makes a good point and the end of the day you only have your experiences to reflect on. When you’re old and you have are memories that you repeat to the people around you. For their benefit of the people around you, you should have more stories to retell.